This is the singer from Sunny Day Real Estate. You know, possibly the only band to do
EMO correctly and simultaneously invent the genre at the same time. But don't be fooled it's not like modern day
emo which makes my ears bleed and also makes me get bad hair cuts like Toby
Maguire in
Spiderman 3. You know... where he combs his hair to the side and puts on mascara so that we KNOW he's bad. Not like punching his once attractive girlfriend in face wasn't hinting enough. But NO, there's none of that. This album is the album after the first (and the only good) two Sunny Day albums. He apparently got very depressed, locked himself in a room for a year to figure life out and came out loving
Jesus like CRAZY. It pretty much made me hate him for a while, but then i got over it and listened to this album which he recorded right afterwards. Just a note, he doesn't say the word "God" or "Jesus" once in this album. Which i mean,
Jesus Christ, thank God. But like a true artist hides his feelings in ambiguous, intelligent, and very poetic lyrics. That's what i originally loved about
SDRE's Diary (their best album IMO). It was like he wrote a serious poem first and then figured out a way to sing it in a song brilliantly, most of the time without even coming close to rhyming. Which is fucking hard to do, trust me. Example of one of my poems:
Something something something run
Something something something fun
Something something something sun
IT IS HARD NOT TO RHYME SHIT! Just ask any rapper. (and yes i stole that poem from Home Movies) Yet Jeremy rarely rhymes, sings like an angel and had more depth to his lyrics than most of the indie rockers combined. Let's just put it this way... I can't stand preachy religious people. Most spiritual people are okay, but there's nothing more annoying then someone pretending to know the mysteries of the universe shoving a bunch of outdated fiction down your throat. (Literally a priest tried to shove IT down my throat *soft sobbing*). If more people talked (or sang in this case) about god in this style, i think i would actually listen without going "la la la la laaaaaa" with my hands on my ears. Nuff said. Check it.