Monday, October 27, 2008

Four Tet: Rounds

Kieran Hebden aka Four Tet makes some pretty chilled out electronic beats. This CD was my shit for about a year before I finally put it away for awhile. I have to skip around a little on this release but the songs that are good, are freaking amazingly good. For some reason, I always imagine a movie of someone riding in the backseat of a car across the country looking at the sun as it passes over trees, houses and power lines, while tracks like "Slow Jam" and "My Angel Rocks Back and Forth" play as a soundtrack in the background. Then some voiceover says some profound shit about the meaning of life. (I'll make that movie someday... haha) This is definitely some music to contemplate life to. It's jazzy, ambient, otherwordly style seperates it from the pack as one of the most original and emotional rides an electronic album can take you on. I wish he would stop remixing other people shit and get back to making records like this.


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