Awwwwwww shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. It's Beck. He's back and he's apparently given up rap for this album, Modern Guilt. This CD sounds a little more alt. country/indie rockish than most of his stuff. I've only listen to this through twice so i haven't really come to a conclusion on whether or not it's just okay, good, or great. I know at the very least it's okay, but to be honest it didn't really wow me, which Beck usually does when he's at his best. Some people gave it rave reviews so, I'll have to listen a few more times before i really judge. I dunno... let me know what you think. I'm tired and out of wit... so yeah... yadda yadda yadda... download it stupids.
Modern Guilt
I like it significantly more that The Information, and even a bit more than Guero. But that doesn't say too much since neither of those albums impressed me (except for the song Scarecrow on Guero - one of Beck's best songs). I haven't gotten to listen to Modern Guilt on a good, loud sound system yet, though, which I think will open the album right up since Dangermouse produced it. I bet a lot of the album's artistry doesn't come across through laptop speakers. Beck, please just make Odelay again.
yeah i pretty much feel the same. Another Odelay or Mutations would be a welcome respite from his normally inconsistent albums.
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