I couldn't help but notice more than like 2 people downloaded Keep It Like A Secret, which is like a record or something i think. So here, for your listening pleasure, is MORE Built to Spill. Don't all give me sex at once. Especially because i don't have time for that shit... and you're probably relatively ugly. But that's okay cause were all equal in the eyes of music. Cause music can't see your ugly face. Thank God for that. No no no, you're beautiful I'm sure. Specifically because you're at my blog... you sexy beast *WINK*... okay. This album is what MOST people consider Built to Spill's classic. And i say to those people "You are the suck" but then i forgive them because it's still Built to Spill and every record is good. You really can't go wrong. I've had several love affairs with EVERY BTS album... so I'm sure you could make an argument for any one being the best. If you people want more, i'll post EVERYTHING they've done. But someone has to tell me otherwise I'm just gonna blabber on about shit for EVERY album.. slowly but surely... cause I have nothing better to do.

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