Friday, August 29, 2008

Pit Er Pat: Pyramids

I can't, in all good conscious, take credit for this. I was introduced to this band by my man Shilz. Props to him for knowing some awesome relatively unknown music. I am but a follower. I bow to his greatness. OKAY!? We all find out about bands some way. Unless you just go to a record store close your eyes and randomly hope you pick a gem. I happen to find out about good music by searching a lot of blogs just like this one, and when i find someone who likes a lot of the same stuff as me, I see what he or she has that I don't.... that and i read a lot of record reviews and buy a TON of CDs.  But that's how I found these guys. And now YOU know about these guys through me. (Transference you magical sonofa bitch!) I can only describe Pit Er Pat's music as a somewhat darker more haunting earlier version of Blonde Redhead. At least that's how it sounds to me. Either way, it's a great find for anyone who doesn't already know the sweetness of Pit Er Pats dark ambient jazzy sound. 

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